On the recommendation of Earl Raeburn in the email circulated in last week’s eMessage, Marj H. and I have been in touch with folks at EDGE at the General Council. We spoke by conference call to Kristopher Tavella. We explained our situation, and he had apparently already done a bit of research on us. He has suggested that we go at this from a multi-pronged approach and gave us the contact information for three different departments “Ministry through Finance,” “Congregational Renewal,” and “Embracing the Spirit.” We will be following up on this information in the near future.
We have also received from the Property and New Church Development Committee (PNCDC) the $50,000 for the July 2019 – June 2020 mortgage principal payment. That keeps us going to June 2020, but that is also the end of our current agreement with the PNCDC. We have been in communication with the PNCDC.
The committee (Bill, Marj and I) as well as the Board will continue to explore avenues which could provide support to our congregation to rid ourselves of our mortgage debt.
And, as I indicated last week, from you we need:
- Prayers;
- Continued financial support as your situation allows;
- Ideas for fundraising or other means of financial support;
- And possibly the contact information for a millionaire or two needing substantial tax receipts.
Have you seen any of those videos online that show people who are so focussed on their cell phones that they walk into lamp posts, fall into fountains, or crash into glass doors? This will give you an image of what is behind Jesus’ admonition in this Sunday’s Gospel reading. Jesus says, “Do not worry…” Now, sometimes when we hear someone tell us not to worry, we may react negatively. If there are serious challenges in our lives, having someone tell us not to worry, and especially if we hear “Don’t worry, be happy, “ this is not helpful. But Jesus does not say, “Don’t worry, be happy.” His message is one of focus. If your life is consumed by worry about what you will wear or eat, then you will miss out on the greater things in life. This brings me back to the cell phone users in the videos. It is fine to check your phone appropriately. But if you are so focused on that one small aspect of your life, and thereby put yourself in danger, you need to look up at the world around you.
Although there is no Sunday School during the summer, children are still welcome to be present for worship. To make things a bit easier, Activity Packs are available each Sunday at the Welcome Table.
Photo Directory – those of you who ordered photos should receive them within the next couple of weeks. IPC apologizes for the delay in sending these out.
Your Favourite Hymn
Do you have a favourite hymn that you’d like to hear included in one of our worship services? Please let Bonnie C. know your choice and she will make sure it is sung within the month.
You don’t have offering envelopes, you are not on PAR, and you don’t get to church as often as you would like, but you want to make a financial contribution to work of Spirit West, and receive a tax receipt. Now you can! Check out the online donation option on our website and click on the Donate tab in the navigation bar.
From time to time we encounter people who would like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because they do not have means of transportation. Can you give a ride? If you would be willing to make yourself available to provide a ride to church please call the church office. Do you need a ride? Would you like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because you have no ride, please call the church office. (780-481-1406)
Spirit West Prayer Chain
The Spirit West Prayer Chain is a group of people who have committed to continue our prayers of concern from Sunday through the week. To be part of this ministry, email your request to [email protected] . You may also email a request for prayer to the same email address. If you would prefer to talk to someone, you can call the church or call Edina T. at 780-481-3508
Our Website is at .
Our Facebook page is
On Instagram at spiritwestyeg
Office hours
- Norma => 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday; vacation August 19, 20, 21
- Larry => 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday
(Rev.) Larry K. Wright, CD, BA, MDiv
Spirit West United Church
[email protected]