I’m back. Please take note of the Upcoming Services that will take us into 2020. Also check out the notes about our Outreach Activities and about Men’s Breakfast.
This Sunday – The Fourth Sunday of Advent – “… and Joseph”
This Sunday, the fourth and last Sunday of Advent, God willing, we will be looking at the final character in my Advent biographical series, “Joseph.” Joseph, known in the Roman Catholic tradition as St. Joseph the Worker, is the one who finds himself as the “step-dad” to the Son of God. In terms of the Gospel narratives, Joseph is hardly mentioned. He appears in a supporting role in the story of the birth of Jesus, and is mentioned a couple of times when people are questioning Jesus’ ministry. “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, “I have come down from heaven”?” (John 6:42) When talking about Jesus’ ministry, Luke acknowledges Joseph’s awkward position. “Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his work. He was the son (as was thought) of Joseph.” (Luke 3:23). So we will look at Joseph.
The readings for Sunday are Isaiah 7: 10-16, and Matthew 1: 18-25. In the Time for All Ages we will talk about, “Joseph” The title of the Sermon is “…and Joseph.”
Please remember that our church is a “scent-free” zone because of some severe allergies and sensitives. We would ask that you refrain from using scented beauty or grooming products such as perfume, after-shave, etc. when attending services and programs at Spirit West.
This Saturday is the Men’s (Christmas) Breakfast. Apparently the menu may be a bit more festive than usual. So come and fill yourself up and enjoy a little conversation. Wear your (ugly) Christmas sweater, if you have one. Bring a friend.
- Sunday, December 22 – Advent 4 “Joseph” (10:30 am)
- Tuesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve (6:30 pm)This is a family service where we hear again the story of Christ’s birth. Children and adults will have the opportunity to portray the scene in Bethlehem. No acting experience is necessary and there are no lines to learn. If you want to participate, come a bit early for your costume fitting!
- Sunday, December 29 – Cinnamon Bun Sunday (10:30 am, Lower Hall) For this casual Service we will gather in the Lower Hall. During the Service this year, we will be looking at the secular celebration of Christmas, the celebration of what my children have started to call “Saturyule” Learn about the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, and the pre-Christian Germanic festival of Jul, and see how their celebrations are kept alive in our shopping malls (and in our homes) every November and December to this day as a mark of the Xmas season.
- Sunday, January 5, 2020 – Epiphany (10:30 am) The first Service of 2020 will be a Communion Service. We will also celebrate the visit of the Magi to the child Jesus. And if we are to be somewhat in line with the Biblical narrative, the Magi arriving this year would have started their journey some time around Christmas 2017.
- Sunday, January 12, 2020 – Baptism of Jesus (10:30am ) At this Service we will remember the Baptism of Jesus and experience the Asperges as we move into the new calendar year.
Festive Giveaway - We collected and delivered to Bissell:
- Over 70 toys for kids.
- 32 filled stockings for men/women
- More than 70 winter warmth items of hats/mitts/scarves
- Over 10 bundles of warm socks and winter underwear
- Several travel coffee mugs and a big box of hand warmers
- Seasonal items are being collected for the Jasper Place Wellness Center and the Bissell Center – underwear, socks, scarves, mitts, refillable water bottles, hand warmers, etc. These can be left at the giving tree for distribution.
- Jasper Place Wellness Bagged Lunch - Our first lunch is scheduled for Saturday, Jan 18th. We need a team of about 5/6 people to help make the sandwiches and pack the lunches. We will meet at the church at 5:00 pm to do this. There will be a sign-up sheet available in the New Year; in the meantime, save the date!
BIBLE STUDY (now 2020, an update)
Our “Advent” Bible Study has morphed into an Epiphany Study, as it moves into the January 2020. Unfortunately, my hospitalization last week threw a wrench into my planning. The study will still be an expansion on the Advent biographies of Isaiah, John, Mary, and Joseph, and their roles in bringing to us the news of a Saviour. The Study will be held on four Wednesdays in January 2020 , Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22 and Jan 29. There is an updated version of the sign-up sheet by the office.
Your Favourite Hymn
Do you have a favourite hymn that you’d like to hear included in one of our worship services? Please let Bonnie C. know your choice and she will make sure it is sung within the month.
You don’t have offering envelopes, you are not on PAR, and you don’t get to church as often as you would like, but you want to make a financial contribution to work of Spirit West, and receive a tax receipt. Now you can! Check out the online donation option on our website spiritwest.org and click on the Donate tab in the navigation bar.
From time to time we encounter people who would like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because they do not have means of transportation. Can you give a ride? If you would be willing to make yourself available to provide a ride to church please call the church office. Do you need a ride? Would you like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because you have no ride, please call the church office. (780-481-1406)
Spirit West Prayer Chain
The Spirit West Prayer Chain is a group of people who have committed to continue our prayers of concern from Sunday through the week. To be part of this ministry, email your request to [email protected] . You may also email a request for prayer to the same email address. If you would prefer to talk to someone, you can call the church.
Website: www.spiritwest.org
Facebook: Spirit West United Church
Instagram: spiritwestyeg
Office hours
The church office will be closed from Dec 25 to Jan 2. For emergency pastoral care situations, call the office number, the message will provide direction.
- Norma => 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday
- Larry => 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday
(Rev.) Larry K. Wright, CD, BA, MDiv
Spirit West United Church
[email protected]