YouTube Videos Worship Services – January 16 (no in-person service)
To watch online, you will need to:
- click on this link OR
- go to YouTube and google Spirit West United Church.
The service for January 16th will be available early on the morning of January 16th.
Sunday, January 16, 2022 – The Second Sunday after Epiphany
How have you experienced the extravagance of God’s love for you and all creation? How can we share our delight in the abundance of God’s never-ending love?
These are the readings we will hear in this week’s worship service, for the Second Sunday after Epiphany. The word “epiphany” means “revelation” or “manifestation.” The scripture readings for this Season after Epiphany focus on how God is being revealed in the world.
• First Corinthians 12:4-11 (The gifts of the Spirit)
Paul’s First Letter to the Church at Corinth addresses some divisions facing the early church. In this passage, Paul responds to news that people had been arguing about whose gifts were more important.
• From the Gospels: John 2:1-11 (A wedding at Cana in Galilee)
John’s Gospel is significantly different from the other three Gospels, both in the time line and in how Jesus is presented. The author focuses on a series of signs which point to the truth about Jesus.
Today’s passage takes place just after the call of the first disciples, and marks the start of the public ministry of Jesus. The village of Cana was about 14 kilometres north of Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus.
Belief is a crucial theme in this passage and in the gospel of John. The Greek word translated as “believe” occurs three times more often in John than in all the other gospels combined. This story of the wedding at Cana is preceded by Jesus’ calling of the disciples, and ends with the disciples believing. The sign from Jesus has borne fruit.
If you have any 2021 receipts that still must be submitted to the church as donations, please do so as quickly as possible so that we can produce the 2021 tax receipts.
For those of you who use the offering envelopes, they are now available at the church. You can come pick them up during office hours. Or, if you prefer, we can have yours delivered or mailed to you. Just let me know!
Prayer is important. We know that people still face challenges and difficulties not related to Covid-19, and we cannot forget them. Our Prayer Chain continues to be active. If you have a prayer request, please send it to [email protected]. These requests will be shared regularly with the prayer chain and will form part of the Prayers of the People in our Sunday Worship.
Please remember to have people removed from the prayer chain if the prayers are no longer needed.
You may have bottles piling up for recycling. You can bring them to the church (or you can call for pick up). If you want to bring your bottles (and any other recyclable beverage containers) in during our office hours and put them directly in the Bottle Shed (by the garage), give us a call, and we can have the shed open for you. All money raised from the return of bottles goes towards paying down the principal and interest on our mortgage.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT - We can now accept donations by eTransfer. The contact name for the eTransfer is Spirit West United Church, and the email address is [email protected] . If you include a security question with your eTransfer, please notify Norma at the church office by phone or email.
- And remember that if you are not on PAR(Pre-Authorized Remittance), you can also mail in cheques to the church office (Spirit West United Church, 7003 – 199 St. NW Edmonton, AB T5T 3A8, include your envelope number if you have one.)
- The church office is open and you can drop off your offering/donation in the offering plate just inside the front doors.
- You can also donate online by checking out the online donation option on our website and click on the Donate tab in the navigation bar.
Facebook: Spirit West United Church and Friends of Spirit West Outreach
Instagram: spiritwestyeg
YouTube: Spirt West United Church, Edmonton
The Spirit West Church office remains open.
- Stuart => 9:30am to 2:30pm, Tuesday and Thursday
- Norma => Noon to 5:00pm, Monday to Thursday
Thank you,
Norma Balcombe
Office Administrator
Spirit West United Church
7003 - 199st.NW Edmonton, AB T5T 3A8
phone: (780) 481-1406
email: [email protected]