A parent finds a child kneeling by the bed with hands together. This child is saying very slowly and clearly, “ A B C D…” When the parent asks why the child is saying the alphabet, the child replies, “I don’t remember the words to any prayers, so I am praying the letters and God can make the words.” This Sunday, the scripture readings point us in a number of directions. But what seems to me a connection between the passages is an understanding that God is with us in our struggles of faith, and that with God as back up, our actions for goodness and justice are far more effective than we might imagine.
The Scripture readings are Romans 8: 26-29 and Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52 During the Time for All Ages, I will be talking about “A Recipe” The title of the sermon is “We are not alone.” We will be celebrating communion this Sunday.
KIDS IN CHURCH (yes please)
Although the Sunday School Program is over until the fall, kids are still part of the church. Now some kids (and some adults) find sitting for a hour a challenge. I hope that the Sunday Services during the summer will be varied enough to keep everyone interested. However, we will also have available Activity Packs at the welcome table. These maroon cases contain paper, pencils, stickers, puzzles and colouring pages which can be explored either in the sanctuary or the lounge.
(Remember Matthew 19:14, Mark 10: 14 and Luke 18:16)
will be held in the sanctuary on Thurs, Aug. 17 and Fri, Aug. 18 from 10 am to 8 pm each day. Book tables in advance for $25.00 for two days or donate items to the church table. Please start collecting items now. Donations for the church table will be accepted and stored at the church starting Aug 1st.. All items except clothing are very welcome. Proceeds will be split between paying down the mortgage and buying kitchen appliance. We will need volunteers to help set up and price items on Wed, Aug. 16; work sales and cash on Aug 17 & 18 and takedown and cleanup on Aug. 18 from 8 to 9 pm. Signup sheets are on the back table
I will be taking some time from July 31st to August 14th. At that time Rebecca, Paul and I will be going to San Diego for a bit of a holiday and to attend the NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) Connect 2017. Recently, the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action elected Rebecca as their voting delegate to the NAIN Annual General Meeting which will be held during the Connect in San Diego.
There is now a Spirit West Prayer Circle. We gather at the church on Thursday mornings at 10:30. We share a reading, share our stories or concerns, and pray. There is no “sign-up” for this, just come as you feel the need. If you are interested, join us on Thursdays.
Spirit West has a Walker (Evolution Xpresso Lite) that is available for use at the church. The walker can also be borrowed by those whose mobility is temporarily challenged. For more information about the Walker, please contact the Church office (780-481-1406).
From time to time we encounter people who would like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because they do not have means of transportation. Can you give a ride? If you would be willing to make yourself available to provide a ride to church please call the church office. Do you need a ride? Would you like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because you have no ride, please call the church office. (780-481-1406)
Spirit West Prayer Chain
The Spirit West Prayer Chain is a group of people who have committed to continue our prayers of concern from Sunday through the week. To be part of this ministry, email your request to [email protected] . You may also email a request for prayer to the same email address. If you would prefer to talk to someone, you can call the church or call Edina T. at 780-481-3508
Our Website is at www.spiritwest.org .
Our Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/SpirtWestUnitedChurch
Office hours
- Monday to Friday 9:30 – 2:30
- Norma => 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, Monday to Thursday
- Larry => 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, Tuesday to Friday
(Rev.) Larry K. Wright, CD, BA, MDiv
Spirit West United Church
[email protected]