There is more new stuff happening at Spirit West, read on!
Article III – Of the Divine Purpose.
Article III of the Basis of Union deals with how we understand God to be working in the world. Although it is one of the shortest articles of the “20,” it touches on some important questions. Why are we here? Does God cause bad things to happen? Is there some meaning to our lives? We will be looking at some of these questions. We look at the answer that the United Church had in 1925 and we will also look at how we might answer these questions today.
The readings I have chosen for this Sunday are Romans 8: 28-30 and Matthew 11: 25-30. Both readings touch on how God is understood to be at work in the world.
SUNDAY SCHOOL – Something New!
Sunday School is in full swing! This year we hope to offer a variety of experiences for different age groups. We want to have separate classes for the younger and older children. There is a big difference between and 5 year old and a 10 year old. Paul W. would also like to have a monthly group for teens. In order for all this to happen we do need children and youth participating and adults willing to teach and help. Call Edina (780-481-3508) if you have any questions about Sunday School. Those interested in a teen program should call Paul at 780-710-3224. See you Sunday!
Your Favourite Hymn
Do you have a favourite hymn that you’d like to hear included in one of our worship services? Please let Bonnie C. know your choice and she will make sure it is sung within the month.
Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, September 30
As has been the custom at Spirit West for a few years, the Service on the last Sunday of September includes the Blessing of Animals. This date was chosen because of its relative proximity to the Feast of St. Francis. St. Francis was a great advocate of seeing and celebrating the presence of God in all of creation. So, you are invited to bring your pet(s) to church on Sunday, September 30. Please remember that your pet(s) must be under positive control, either on a lead or in a carrier. If your pet does not play well with others, tends to fight or bite, or does not travel well, just bring a picture.
Fall Supper and Silent Auction – Oct 21
Our Fall Supper and Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, Oct 21 in the Lower Hall of the church. This is an annual fund-raiser for the church. More information will be available soon. There is a sign-up sheet at the church for volunteers. There will also be letters of introduction available for those who are going to local businesses for silent auction items
THE NEW UNITED CHURCH REGIONS and a Contest to “Name That Region”
As you might know, at the recent General Council of the United Church of Canada, the plans were approved to restructure our denomination. As of January 1, 2019 we move from four levels of governance (Pastoral Charge, Presbytery, Conference, and General Council) to three levels (Faith Community, Region, and Denominational Council) Spirit West changes from being a Pastoral Charge in Edmonton Presbytery, Alberta and Northwest Conference to being a Faith Community in Region 2. “Region 2” is a place holder name for the region. We want a “real” name. Please see the newsletter on the literature carousel for information on our new Regions, and on the contest to “Name That Region”.
Outreach at Spirit West
Seasonal items are being collected for the Jasper Place Wellness Centre and the Bissell Centre. As we move into the fall, underwear, socks, scarves, mitts, refillable water bottles, hand warmers, etc. would be helpful. These can be left at the Giving Tree by the lounge windows.
You don’t have offering envelopes, you are not on PAR, and you don’t get to church as often as you would like, but you want to make a financial contribution to work of Spirit West, and receive a tax receipt. Now you can! Check out the online donation option on our website and click on the Donate tab in the navigation bar. It was suggested at a Board Meeting that everyone give the donate button a try (just to make sure it works, of course)
From time to time we encounter people who would like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because they do not have means of transportation. Can you give a ride? If you would be willing to make yourself available to provide a ride to church please call the church office. Do you need a ride? Would you like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because you have no ride, please call the church office. (780-481-1406)
Spirit West Prayer Chain
The Spirit West Prayer Chain is a group of people who have committed to continue our prayers of concern from Sunday through the week. To be part of this ministry, email your request to [email protected] . You may also email a request for prayer to the same email address. If you would prefer to talk to someone, you can call the church or call Edina T. at 780-481-3508
Our Website is at .
Our Facebook page is
Office hours
- Norma => 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday
- Larry => 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday
(Rev.) Larry K. Wright, CD, BA, MDiv
Spirit West United Church
[email protected]