Please make sure to read the information about our Stewardship Campaign and about Cinnamon Buns and Croissants. Actually, just read everything.
You would think, in a new Christian denomination, that Jesus would place higher than seventh out of twenty in a statement of doctrine. But in the Basis in Union it is Article VII that is titled “Of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus is referred to earlier in articles I, II and VI. But it is in Article VII that explicitly outlines what the United Church says about Jesus. As I see it, the first six articles lead us to an understanding of the human condition in the world. We are a creation of God, we have been given free will, we can and have chosen unwisely, we have lost an intimate connection with the divine, but God will not abandon us. God will offer a unique way to reestablish that connection with the divine, Jesus. In very theological language Article VII describes how Jesus can bring us back to God. Some of the language around sacrifice, divine justice and propitiation (the action of appeasing a god, spirit, or person.) is no longer part of our everyday vocabulary, and the concepts seem very foreign. But part of this comes, I believe, from a desire by the writers of the Basis of Union to use language that would be recognizable to other parts of the Christian Church. The United Church of Canada was not to be some crazy break-away community with weird beliefs, it was to be a recognizably (Protestant) Christian church that was uniting communities for a stronger witness in a new country. We will also look at the ways our language, imagery, and perhaps our understanding of Jesus has changed or developed in the United Church of Canada since 1925. This Sunday is also Reformation Sunday, and parts of the Service will mark our Protestant heritage.
The readings I have chosen for this Sunday are Isaiah 9: 1-6 and John 1: 1-5, 14-18. The Time for All Ages story is called “Something New” And the Sermon will take its title from the title of Article VI: “Of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Fall Supper and Silent Auction – Thank You!
A big THANK YOU to the organizers of the Fall Supper and Silent Auction! I cannot name everybody, but I hope you do not mind if I single out Jim T. and Colleen F. for their efforts in making the event a great success. And thank you to all of you who pitched in and helped. And thank you to those of you who attended (and bought the amazing silent auction items), and the family, friends and neighbours you brought along. We should have a report on Sunday about the money raised.
Stewardship Drive 2019
Our annual “Time, Talent and Treasure” campaign is underway. Please pickup your stewardship envelope from the Welcome table and take a neighbours, if possible, to cut down on mailing costs. Unaddressed forms are also available. Forms are to be returned to the church by Nov 25. Please join us on Nov 18 to mark the completion of our campaign to build for the future.
Croissants and Cinnamon Buns
Once again, it is time for the annual Spirit West Ladies Group fund-raiser. Buy and enjoy delicious cinnamon buns and croissants. Frozen Unbaked Croissants are $8.00 per dozen; frozen Unbaked Cinnamon Buns are $8.00 for a ½ dozen. Last date to order is Sunday. Nov 18. Return your orders to Diane L. (780 444-0284) or Carol C. (780-481-2662). Orders will be available for pick up at church on Tues, Nov 27 between 3-5pm. If you are unable to pick them up on that date, please advise us when placing your order. Please make cheques payable to Spirit West United Church Ladies Group.
Your Favourite Hymn
Do you have a favourite hymn that you’d like to hear included in one of our worship services? Please let Bonnie C. know your choice and she will make sure it is sung within the month.
SUNDAY SCHOOL – Something New!
Our newest project for Sunday School is to start a Junior Youth Christian Group. We need help from you to identify what this age group (ages 9 and up) would like to do for Youth Group and when they would like to have it and how often. We know the kids are busy with after school activities and out of school activities so their time is short. We can still have it Sunday mornings once a month or every other Sunday. Also we need to know what the kids would like to do with this class. Of course it will be Christian based but there are many activities we can do. So we are asking for your cooperation to tell us what, when and how often. If we have enough participation we will start as soon as possible. So please talk to Edina or any of the other teachers or Larry. Edina is available at 780-481-3508 or [email protected]. You can also contact the church. We are also very excited to start this. I look forward to hearing from you.
Outreach at Spirit West
Seasonal items are being collected for the Jasper Place Wellness Centre and the Bissell Centre. As we move into the fall, underwear, socks, scarves, mitts, refillable water bottles, hand warmers, etc. would be helpful. These can be left at the Giving Tree by the lounge windows.
THE NEW UNITED CHURCH REGIONS and a Contest to “Name That Region”
As you might know, at the recent General Council of the United Church of Canada, the plans were approved to restructure our denomination. As of January 1, 2019 we move from four levels of governance (Pastoral Charge, Presbytery, Conference, and General Council) to three levels (Faith Community, Region, and Denominational Council) Spirit West changes from being a Pastoral Charge in Edmonton Presbytery, Alberta and Northwest Conference to being a Faith Community in Region 2. “Region 2” is a place holder name for the region. We want a “real” name. Please see the newsletter on the literature carousel for information on our new Regions, and on the contest to “Name That Region”.
You don’t have offering envelopes, you are not on PAR, and you don’t get to church as often as you would like, but you want to make a financial contribution to work of Spirit West, and receive a tax receipt. Now you can! Check out the online donation option on our website and click on the Donate tab in the navigation bar.
From time to time we encounter people who would like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because they do not have means of transportation. Can you give a ride? If you would be willing to make yourself available to provide a ride to church please call the church office. Do you need a ride? Would you like to come to church at Spirit West, but are unable to because you have no ride, please call the church office. (780-481-1406)
Spirit West Prayer Chain
The Spirit West Prayer Chain is a group of people who have committed to continue our prayers of concern from Sunday through the week. To be part of this ministry, email your request to [email protected] . You may also email a request for prayer to the same email address. If you would prefer to talk to someone, you can call the church or call Edina T. at 780-481-3508
Our Website is at .
Our Facebook page is
Office hours
- Norma => 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday
- Larry => 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday
(Rev.) Larry K. Wright, CD, BA, MDiv
Spirit West United Church
[email protected]